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24-hour telephone.

Contact: 53 83 26 90

This is what we offer with us:


Support to understand what violence is

Violence has many different forms of expression. Violence can be physical, psychological, stalking, sexual, financial and material. Victims of violence often experience several forms of violence at the same time.

Psychological violence in particular can be difficult to describe and understand. But it's psychological abuse when you're spoken to in a condescending way, called nasty things, can't go in and out of your home freely, have to text your partner about where you are and what you're doing, you're ignored etc. - this is just a small sample of what psychological violence is. And that is NOT okay.


Pushing, hitting, threats, control, sexual coercion, surveillance, financial coercion, threats by your children are all examples of physical and psychological violence that is NOT okay!



Space for you to bring children with you

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Especially for the Lotus house

If you need to stay at the shelter, you of course have the option of taking your children with you. Shortly after your/your arrival, you and your child will have a welcome interview with a childcare worker. The children can be offered psychological consultations.

During your stay, you yourself are responsible for looking after your children. If you - in special situations - need care in connection with, for example, meetings, this can be agreed with the childcare worker.


Lotushuset also welcomes women with a hearing disability. - There will be staff with sign language skills in the building.

If you have a pet, we have a partnership with animal protection, which can help look after your pet while you are in the Lotus house.

Lotushuset offers NADA, body scans and violence counseling.

Once you have taken the step to seek help, you will be able to go through the following 4 phases as you canfind here.

Welcome to
The Lotus House

Crisis aid for abused women. We help abused women and their children. If you are exposed to physical or psychological violence or threats of violence from your partner, ex-partner or family, we can help you.

1 available space


What is a women's shelter?

A women's shelter is a temporary residence that is safe and secure for you and your children. You can stay here for a period of time to find peace and get an overview of your situation. Lotushuset offers you support in speaking out against violence and getting out of it.
When staying at the crisis centre, the women are offered a stay plan, which forms the basis of how the woman is supported in establishing a life without violence. If the woman has children, there is also room for them.

What is violence?

"Violence is an act or threat that - regardless of the purpose - can violate the integrity of another person. Or that frightens, pains or injures the person - regardless of whether the person is a child or an adult. The violence can have the same effect on other people who are present or overhears the act. The violence can be a conscious act or an act done in affect. The act exceeds society's laws and norms."

Source: National Board of Social Affairs and Health




Everyone can refer to the Lotushuset women's crisis center. Upon request, a visitation interview will be held, where it will be assessed whether you belong to the target group.


If you have been given a place in Lotushuset, there are some things that may be good for you to remember before you arrive.


If we don't have a place in the Lotus house, contact Live Without Violence on phone no. 1888 instead.


We are looking forward to welcome you!



Lotushuset KKCR 151 ApS​

Møllesvinget 6,

2690 Karlslunde


Phone: +45 5383 2690


Inquiries every day

Monday - Friday: 08:00-21:00
Saturday - Sunday: 10:00-17:00

Around the clock, you have the option of calling tel: 53832690, where you will get to talk to an employee from the house.

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